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How to show that your board is accountable and driving improvement?
How to show that your board is accountable and driving improvement?

Using GovernorHub to show that your board is making effective decisions

Jo Phillips avatar
Written by Jo Phillips
Updated over 5 months ago

There are several features on GovernorHub which allow you to show that your board is effective and driving improvement.

Meeting download/calendar

Here you can demonstrate that the board is running regular, well-managed meetings that fit within the annual cycle. You can also download a record of attendance for each academic year.

Minutes signed on GovernorHub (remote signing)

You can use meeting minutes to evidence courageous and challenging conversations and to show that governors and trustees have requested to see the evidence base for any proposed improvement initiatives. The remote signing feature on GovernorHub will show that these records of meetings have been approved and signed off.

Policy folder and download

Here you can demonstrate how policies are regularly managed and reviewed in line with statutory requirements.

Evidence folders in Documents

We recommend keeping a wide range of evidence in a logical and useful structure to demonstrate how the board monitors, shares and reflects upon information gathered. These should include information shared by the school or trust (data, reports, funding information), information gathered by the board (visit reports, research, self evaluations etc.) and external input (health and safety visits, Ofsted reports, parent research etc.).

Our help article on the best way to organise your documents area explains more about how to do this.

The Noticeboard

Here you can demonstrate positive working relationships; that the board is working well as a team. You can show that governors or trustees are asking questions ahead of meetings and that they recognise the importance of the advice provided by the clerk/governance professional.

Training reports

The DfE's Competency framework requires that governors know and understand:

  • the importance of high quality teaching to improve outcomes

  • the importance of a broad and balanced curriculum

  • statutory testing and assessment regimes

  • how staff are recruited and how this compares to good recruitment and retention practices

  • how school finances work and how the school compares to other similar organisations locally and nationally

  • the board's legal, regulatory and financial requirements

  • the board's duties as an employer

The training report download can evidence that appropriate training for the board is as a regular part of the annual cycle.

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