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Adding custom confirmations for your board

How to create confirmations specific to your board such as a Code of Conduct or a Governor Internet Use agreement

David Woozley avatar
Written by David Woozley
Updated over a year ago

Sometimes a Governing Board might require members to confirm an agreement which is specific to the board. Admins can use these in a variety of ways, such as for Governor Induction (e.g. I confirm I have read the Governor Induction pack) or to ensure all board members understand their duties (e.g. I agree to adhere to the Wise Owl school governor code of conduct').

How to add custom confirmations

Head to the Compliance section under your Governing Board tab on GovernorHub (this may be called something a little different e.g. Local committee or Trust board depending on the school but it will always be in the same place). Do note, your board might be called something slightly different (e.g. Trust board or Local Council etc); it will always be in the same place though. Select 'Edit confirmations'.

Here you can edit any confirmations you currently have by clicking on the three dots next to them; to add a new one, choose '+Add confirmation'.

​Write your Confirmation Statement to appear as the text for users to confirm.
For example, "I agree to abide by the Governing Board's Code of Conduct".

TIP: Keep it short and in the first person. This can't be changed once created.

Then add a description below the statement (this is optional but can help explain why your confirmation is important) e.g. "The Code of Conduct sets out expectations on and commitment required from school governors in order for the governing board to properly carry out its work within the school.".

If you want to attach a relevant document - click on the link icon. Search for the document and, once selected, choose the text to display e.g. "Code of Conduct".

Note: make sure the relevant document(s) have been uploaded to your board's Documents area before you begin.

TIP: The description and any links can be edited at a later date (e.g. if you update your Code of Conduct). It's only the statement that can't.

Once you're happy, click Save!

Where do my board members go to confirm these?

Members will find these new confirmations in their profile page, under the Compliance tab, below the Declarations of Interests and KCSiE sections.

It's here they can read any attached documents and confirm their agreement.

Downloading a report of completed confirmations

Admins can download a list of confirmations for all board members in a report called Compliance Checks found in the Downloads section under the About tab on the Governing Board/Trust Board.

​This can also be download from the board view area where you can monitor compliance and remind those that forget to confirm them.

What if I need to update the confirmation statement?

We don't allow the statement to be changed once the confirmation has been saved.

If you make a mistake or need to change the confirmation statement, you'll need to delete the original statement and create a new one. Then you can ask your board members to confirm the new one.

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