To duplicate a file, click on the three dots to the right hand side of the document.
From the menu, select Make a copy. This creates a copy of the file called "Copy of <file name>" in the same folder as the original.
You can then move the copy to your chosen location. Again, click on the three dots to the right-hand side of the file.
Select Move to.... and a new menu will allow you to come out of the folder you're in and to select a new one.
Once you've chosen which folder to move the file to, click on Move.
You can navigate through the folders by clicking the < Folder at the top of the list.
This will move the document to the selected folder.
Copying files to restricted folders
If the folder you are moving the file to is restricted, you will be asked if you're sure about moving the file.
Only members of the committee who are able to view the restricted folder will be able to see that file. You'll need to be a member of the committee to move the document to the restricted folder.
Click Yes to move the file into the restricted folder.
Can I copy a folder?
It's not possible top copy folders on GovernorHub, only files.
You can copy a link to the folder and share this on the noticeboard. This is in the three dot menu.
You could also choose to download the folder and its files and then upload to a new location in the documents area.