You can mark a document as signed on GovernorHub in case it's not possible to meet face-to-face to do this.
Marking as signed
In the Documents tab, find the document you wish to sign and click on the three dot menu on the right-hand side.
This menu will give you an option to Mark as signed.
This will sign the document with your name, as displayed on GovernorHub and your profile.
Viewing signatures
Your name will show under the document or if there are multiple signatures it will show how many people have signed the document.
Hover over your name or the number of people who have signed and this will then show you the names and dates of the signatures.
You can also download a report that includes the details of all signed documents on the board.
Go to the About tab and then select Downloads.
Scroll down until you reach the Signed documents report. You can download this in various different formats.
This report will show which documents have been signed, when, and by whom.
Removing a signature
To remove your signature, open the document menu again and select Mark as unsigned.
Only board admins can remove a signature for someone else.
If more than one person has signed a document, admins will be able to choose which person (or all) to remove.
They will need to open the document menu by selecting the three dots next to the document and then choosing Remove a signature.
This will open up a box which shows who has signed the file.
To remove a signature, click on the X next to their name. When all the signatures that needed to be removed have been removed, click Done.