GovernorHub has default roles for Chair, Vice Chair, and Clerk. You can also create custom roles for the specific needs of your board.
You'll need to have admin rights in order to assign roles to users.
Assigning a role
To assign a new role to a user, you'll need to:
Go to the Governing Board tab.
Select the Roles tab.
Click the Pen icon under to the role you wish to assign.
You can then click on the arrow to browse the list of members, or begin typing the name of the member in the box.
Once they are selected, click Appoint to assign that person to the role.
Only one person can have these special roles at a time. To change who has this role (e.g. who is the Chair) - click on the X by the name of the member assigned the role. You can then use the pen icon to assign the role to a different member.
Note: for co-chairs you will need to create a bespoke role.
Creating a bespoke role
You can also create bespoke roles for your board. Multiple users can be assigned to these roles.
To create a custom role for your board:
Select the + Add new role button
Enter the name of the new role into the Role name box
Click on the Add button to add this bespoke role
To assign multiple members to a bespoke role, select more than one member from the list, then click the arrow to close the list and use the Assign button.
You will now see their names appear under the role.
Tracking roles in the membership tab
If you go back to the Members page, you will see the roles appear beneath the a member's name.
The Clerk, Chair and Vice Chair are special roles which appear in orange.
Any other roles will appear in grey.
The Admin label in green indicates whether that person has admin rights for your board.
Removing an assigned role
To remove a role, you will need to:
Go to the Governing Board tab
Select the Roles tab
Find the role that needs to be removed
Click on the X next to the user's name under the role
To remove a role altogether
To remove an available role from your governing body , click on the red Remove button on the right hand side of the screen next to the role.
Please note you can only remove bespoke roles, not Chair, Vice Chair, or Clerk.