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Setting a user as an admin

How to provide admin rights to a user so they can add or remove other board members

Leonie Selby-Evans avatar
Written by Leonie Selby-Evans
Updated over a month ago

Why does there need to be an admin on the board?

It's important that your board has a designated admin. This is someone from the governing board, not someone from GovernorHub, who is responsible for access to the account.

Admins are able to access specific features including the ability to:

  • Add new members onto the account

  • Remove members

  • Assign appointments and roles

  • Set review dates for documents

  • Mark attendance in calendar events

  • Create committees

  • Lock folders so they can't be renamed or removed

  • Send password reset reminders

  • Send disable multi-factor authentication (MFA) emails

Without an admin, new users will not be able to be added onto an account.

Providing someone with admin rights

Only a current admin on the account can give another user admin rights and multiple users can have admin rights at the same time.

To give someone else admin rights, a current admin will need to:

  • Go to the Governing Board tab

  • Click on the Members tab

  • Select the arrow next to the user's name

  • Click on Make an admin

This will provide the user with admin rights. You can check this by looking for the green Admin tag under their name.

Removing admin rights

To remove a user's admin rights, follow the steps above and select the Remove as admin button under their name.

A board doesn't have any admins who can provide another user with admin rights

If there are no current admins on the board, the Head or Chair will need to contact us to give their permission for us to provide admin rights to a user. They will need to confirm the name and email address of the user who needs to be made an admin.

This can be sent to us at

If your board is administered by a governor service, you will need to contact them directly to request this.

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