Sometimes schools use role-specific email addresses for their staff members, such as '' or ''.
When someone new takes on the role and the email address transfers to the new governor, GovernorHub will recognise the email address as still belonging to the previous governor.
Important: To ensure that all noticeboard posts, documents, training records and other details remain attributed to the previous governor, it's important you do not simply rename the old account.
Reassigning the email address
To add the new governor, first remove the previous governor from the board.
Then, click on the Add Member button and type in the email address. GovernorHub will recognise the account as belonging to the previous owner. Click on No, this email address belongs to someone else.
You can then fill in the new governor's name.
This will archive the previous governor's account, and create a brand new account for the new governor. They will be sent an email with a link to set up their account.
The only time these actions won't work is if the member was signed up to more than one board using the email account (e.g. if a Headteacher was a member of their school board and a local Headteachers group on GovernorHub). In this instance, you will need to contact us using the blue help icon or email