As a governor, you must confirm each year that you have read the latest version of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE). GovernorHub provides a link to the most up-to-date version, which updates automatically when a new version is released.
Recording Your KCSiE Confirmation
Go to Your Profile Page
Click your name at the top right of the screen.
Select ‘Profile’ from the dropdown menu.
Access the Compliance Tab
Confirm Your Compliance Status
If you haven’t confirmed your compliance since September, you will see a confirmation screen.
Click the document link, read it thoroughly, and then click the blue ‘Confirm’ button.
Reconfirm if Needed
If you confirmed a previous version but haven’t yet read the latest one, you’ll see an amber warning next to your last confirmation date.
Click the downward arrow, read the latest document, and click ‘Reconfirm’.
Check Your Status
If you’re up to date, your confirmation date will appear in green.
Viewing Compliance for Your Board
Custom Board Confirmations
If your clerk has set up additional confirmations, they will also appear in your Profile area.
You should reconfirm these every year, just like your Declarations of Interest and KCSiE confirmation.