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Knowledge Centre tags

How to use tags in the Knowledge Centre to help your governors find what they're looking for

Hannah Goode avatar
Written by Hannah Goode
Updated over a week ago

When searching for articles in the Knowledge Centre, governors can use the tags to narrow down their query.

Tagging articles

To tag an article in the Knowledge Centre, click in the Add or remove tags field. You can create new tags from here too.

Managing tags

To see all your Knowledge tags, click on the Edit menu, then click Manage articles.

Choose the Tags tab.

Here, you can see all the tags your service has set up, and how many articles are tagged with each tag.

To rename a tag, click on the pencil icon to the right of its name.

To delete a tag, select it (or multiple) using the checkbox to the left of the tag's name, then click on the bin icon that appears. This will untag any articles, but will not delete the articles themselves.

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