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Board Effectiveness Questions

Which questions are asked, to help evidence your boards effectiveness?

David Woozley avatar
Written by David Woozley
Updated this week

There are several sections to complete within the Board Effectiveness tool.


  1. I have the time I need to do my role to the best of my ability

  2. I actively engage in training for my role

  3. I am visible and engaged with my school community


  1. I feel respected and safe enough to voice my opinions in meetings

  2. I feel able to challenge the information we receive

  3. I take equal responsibility for the work of our board


  1. I can recognise if I'm becoming too operational and adjust accordingly

  2. I am able to influence/motivate others in my team

  3. I feel able to have difficult conversations


  1. I fully understand our vision, values and ethos

  2. I know what 'good' school/trust governance looks like

  3. I believe I can make a difference to this community


  1. I know my own strengths and weaknesses

  2. I know the strengths and weaknesses of my board

  3. I know the strengths and weaknesses of my school/trust


  1. I know how to determine whether my school/trust is compliant

  2. I know how to conduct an effective school/trust visit

  3. I know what I am responsible for and how to monitor this effectively





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