GovernorHub's Board effectiveness tool (available as part of the GovernorHub Knowledge subscription) is designed to measure how effective you feel on your board and audit the skills and experience you bring to the role as well as any training needs you have. It is designed as a dynamic tool that will help you reflect on your own effectiveness and that of your board.
How do I fill my effectiveness out?
Find your board's Effectiveness area in the Governing Board tab on GovernorHub.
Please note:
We have deliberately set the board effectiveness tool to only be available to those allocated to the constitution and associate members (this is to stop non-governors being automatically reminded to fill it in). If you haven't yet set up your constitution you will be prompted to do so before anyone can continue. Our help article on setting up the constitution shows you how. If anyone on your board can't access it and thinks they should be able to, they should contact the board admin to make sure they are set up correctly.
If you are filling it out for the first time you will see this window when you navigate to the board effectiveness tab. Click on Go to start.
For each of the efficacies rate yourself on the scale against each statement by clicking on the blue line (you can drag the blue dot to the most appropriate position on the scale and change it as many times as you want until you want to move on). Click Next when you're ready to continue (or the red exit button if you decide to fill the form out another time - do note your changes won't be saved until you reach the end).
Now indicate your experience and/or confidence in some of the most important roles on a board (tick all that apply or just leave blank). Your experience/confidence may come from your working role, other life experiences and doesn't have to specifically school governance related (after all, a skill is a skill!).
Do note, you might have experience in areas you're not confident in ... or have no experience but feel confident that you'd do ok - just be honest and open as it'll help your board succession plan and schedule the work of the board.
Next, indicate any areas of governance you feel you would like more training in (tick all that apply or leave blank).
Do note, the list of topics is not exhaustive and no one is expecting you to do training on every one! This tool has been designed to collect and amalgamate needs from across your board. We aim for it to help you reflect on your own requirements, but the main aim is to provide an overview so that governance professionals (or central teams for multi academy trusts) can look for trends across the team. This will help them plan for any training needs they may have in the future.
N.B. If you are a local board in a Multi Academy Trust you may find that some of the topics listed are not delegated functions for you. Do check your scheme of delegation or ask your governance professional if you are not sure.
Then indicate particular areas of experience you bring to the role from other areas of your life. This will help the board make sure everyone is using the skills they have and to look for gaps when next recruiting. This list is meant to be useful, not exhaustive - you will no doubt bring all sorts of other skills to the board too!
When you're sure all your answers are a true reflection of how you see your own effectiveness on your board click Submit at the bottom of the page. If this is greyed out or doesn't work it will be because you have missed a question - click Back to check through your answers.
Please note: If you want to make changes after submitting you will need to fill out the full form again so do make sure you have throughly thought through your answers before submitting.
How do I see my board's amalgamated results?
As soon as anyone has fill in their data you will be able to see a summary in the main Effectiveness tab (submitting new answers will take you straight there too).
Here you'll see a summary of your board's Efficacies. GovernorHub will have automatically have pulled in the responses of all those on the constitution and produced an anonymised summary. Click on each segment in the graph to see the detail in numbers.
View your board's skills, training needs and experience by clicking each tab.
Did one last term but things have changed since?
You can fill out a new form at any time using the 'Your effectiveness' button on the main effectiveness page.
Do note, your personal summary is only visible to yourself and the admins of the board. They can see this by clicking on a View all button that will only appear for them.
How can I find out more?
Read our Board effectiveness FAQs to hear our most common questions or ask us one of yours in the chat bubble at the bottom right of this screen. If you are an admin or are interested in how best to use this tool, read our Board effectiveness - guide for admins article.