When you've run a database query to create a custom report on governor or governing board information on the GovernorHub Admin site, you can save the query by clicking on Save this query.
This will save all the filter details that you've entered in your query, so you don't have to set all the filters up again next time.
Go to Saved Queries in the menu to see all the saved queries for your service. From there you can run a query, rename it, or delete it by clicking on the 3 dots next to the query.
Creating queries to help target your communications
Your saved queries can also be used to help you target your communications, directly from your News tab in your service area.
As an example, if you wanted to send communication emails just to your Headteachers, first create a new database query searching for just Headteachers.
Once the results are visible, save the query using the 'Save this query' option.
Your saved query will then appear in your Saved Queries list.
But that's not all! The saved query is now linked to your service News tab.
If you Write a new article on this page, you will have the option to also send a notification email out when you publish the article.
Your saved database query will now be one of the available options at the bottom of the article, allowing you to just notify those people, in our example: Headteachers
Please note that all articles that are published on the News page will be visible to everyone who views the page, whether they've received the notification email or not.