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Will GovernorHub Knowledge provide value for money for our trust?
Jane Lowe avatar
Written by Jane Lowe
Updated over a week ago

In short - yes!

As a trust you can't afford to have poor governance. Getting governance right needs to be at the top of the agenda for all MATs. Getting it wrong not only leads to inefficiency but more importantly can lead to poorly led groups of schools with poor performance and poor financial control.

GovernorHub Knowledge saves time and money giving you access to all of the statutory training that your governors need as well as the knowledge they need to be effective and challenging. As well as that, our learning pathways empower governors and trustees to be effective in their roles. Properly supported governors and trustees can also mean better recruitment and retention - get the right people and make them want to stay.

We keep your governors engage in governance through our regular engagement emails as well as our governance blog The Hoot.

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